What is Organology the study of?
organology. / (ˌɔːɡəˈnɒlədʒɪ) / noun. the study of the structure and function of the organs of animals and plants.
What is Organology in psychology?
Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) introduced a new theory of mind and brain at the end of the eighteenth century, which he referred to as organology, dealing with mental functions and their cortical localizations.
What does Organology mean in music?
the science of musical instruments
Organology (from Ancient Greek ὄργανον (organon) ‘instrument’ and λόγος (logos), ‘the study of’) is the science of musical instruments and their classifications.
What is the study of musical instrument called?
Organology, or the study of musical instruments, has focused particularly on classification, instrument design and construction, and performance practice.
When did Organology emerge?
However, it was with the work of Michael Praetorius, in 1619, that we find the first modern systematic organological approach, in his work De Organographia, dedicated to musicians and instrument makers (Restle, 2008. (2008). Organology: The study of musical instruments in the 17th century.
What is schaeffner system?
Schaeffner’s system has only two top-level categories which he denoted by Roman numerals: I: instruments that make sound from vibrating solids: I.A: no tension (free solid, for example, xylophones, cymbals, or claves); I.B: linguaphones (lamellophones) (solid fixed at only one end, such as a kalimba or thumb piano);
What is the study of ethnomusicology?
Ethnomusicology is the study of music in its social and cultural contexts. Ethnomusicologists examine music as a social process in order to understand not only what music is but what it means to its practitioners and audiences.
What is the oldest wind instrument?
Jiahu bone flute
Crafted from the bones of crane birds, the flutes still maintain accurate intonation today. Dating back to 7,800 to 9,000 years ago, the Jiahu bone flute is the oldest Chinese musical instrument discovered by archaeologists, as well as the earliest known wind instrument in the world.
What do ethnomusicologists do for work?
Partnering with the music communities that they study, ethnomusicologists may document and promote music traditions or participate in projects that involve cultural policy, education, conflict resolution, health, environmental sustainability, arts programming, or advocacy on behalf of musicians.
Did Neanderthals have flutes?
The oldest musical instrument in the world, a 60,000-year-old Neanderthal flute is a treasure of global significance. It was discovered in Divje babe cave near Cerkno and has been declared by experts to have been made by Neanderthals. It is made from the left thighbone of a young cave bear and has four pierced holes.
What do ethnomusicologists study?
What is organology?
The first paper in the journal written by Sue Carole DeVale entitled “Organizing Organology” attempted to provide a more comprehensive system for defining the study of organology, particularly within the context of ethnomusicology. DeVale defines organology as “the science of sound instruments”.
What is the top level of organology in music?
With the invention of hydraulophone, the physics-based organology has been expanded to use solid, liquid, and gas, wherein the top-level category is the state-of-matter of the material that makes the sound. A number of societies exist dedicated to the study of musical instruments.
What is the relationship between organology and musicology?
There is a degree of overlap between organology, ethnomusicology (being subsets of musicology) and the branch of the science of acoustics devoted to musical instruments. A number of ancient cultures left documents detailing the musical instruments used and their role in society; these documents sometimes included a classification system.
What are the three branches of organology?
She also defines three primary branches-classificatory, analytical, and applied- that serve as the basis for the study of organology. The classificatory branch essentially encompasses all of the ways in which musical instruments have been categorized, both cross-culturally and through cultural-specific systems.