What is infectious disease fellowship like?

What is infectious disease fellowship like?

The Infectious Diseases Fellowship is an integrated, two-year program that combines broad and intensive training in clinical infectious diseases with protected time to pursue basic or clinical research after the first year.

How do you become an infectious disease scientist?

The minimum requirement for becoming an infectious disease specialist is a doctorate degree. The complete path is detailed below including testing, residency, fellowship and certifications. A bachelor’s degree is the first step in the educational path of an infectious disease specialist.

Where do infectious disease Fellows go after graduation?

Among our former infectious disease fellows graduating since 1979, approximately 60 percent are currently employed in academia (engaged in translational or clinical research), about 20 percent are in the pharmaceutical industry or government administration, and about 20 percent in private practice.

What is the impact of infectious diseases in Canada?

In Canada, they are the fifth leading cause of premature loss of life and a major cause of lost productivity. Despite outstanding historical successes with the development of effective vaccines for smallpox, polio, diphtheria, tetanus and other diseases, the war against infectious disease is far from over.

What is the division of Infectious Diseases at UBC?

The Division of Infectious Diseases in the UBC Department of Medicine is actively involved in combating infectious diseases through patient care, education, and research.

How long does it take to become a pediatric infectious diseases fellow?

The fellow will spend one year each in clinical pediatric infectious diseases and clinical adult infectious diseases, with the remaining two years of training under a chosen research mentor. Applications are accepted through ERAS. Interviews are arranged with both institutions.