What is a transect survey archaeology?

What is a transect survey archaeology?

Definition. A term generally used to describe an artificial part of the survey area selected for field-walking, each one consisting of smaller collection units. Transects are mostly plotted on the map as slices through the survey area.

What are the survey methods in archaeology?

In order to locate and record sites in the landscape, archaeologists rely on survey or reconnaissance methods. These may be conveniently divided into three categories: aerial surveys, surface surveys, and subsurface testing.

What is surface survey in archaeology?

Surface survey involves walking over the ground surface recording, mapping and collecting artifacts encountered. Like geophysical survey, the method allows for the covering of much larger areas than excavation does.

What is foot survey in archaeology?

The primary method of current survey archaeology has is the field-walking or pedestrian survey. Basically, a team of archaeologists hikes through the open fields of their study area recording all superficial archaeological evidence encountered.

Which type of sampling method do archaeologists use at areas with a lot of geographical diversity?

Stratified Random Sampling. This is where the region is divided into its own natural zones, such as cultivated land, forests, riverbanks etc.

How do archaeologists survey a potential site?

A surface survey is a systematic examination of the land. A team of archaeologists will walk in straight lines back and forth across the study area. As they walk, they look for evidence of past human activity, including walls or foundations, artifacts, or color changes in the soil that may indicate features.

What is intrusive survey?

What is an intrusive survey? An intrusive survey is where a surveyor has been granted access to survey a property by accessing areas that are not viewable or accessible. In all cases, the home owner must agree the access.

What is a reconnaissance survey?

The reconnaissance survey is an extensive study of an entire area that might be used for a road or airfield. Its purpose is to eliminate those routes or sites which are impractical or unfeasible and to identify the more promising routes or sites.

What are the methods and sampling strategies used in archaeological surveys?

Archaeologists use a variety of methods to find and/or test sites, they are: systematic sampling, random sampling, and judgmental sampling.

Which of the following is a type of sampling technique used in archaeological survey?

Stratified Random Sampling. The sampling squares are then chosen by using the same random numbering program as Simple Random Sampling, but in proportion to the size of each natural zone.

What are 5 ways that archaeologists find sites to excavate?

How do archaeologists find sites?

  • Survey. In simplest terms, survey entails walking across a landscape and looking for artifacts.
  • Reading Books.
  • SCIENCE with a capital S.
  • Making Maps.
  • Talking to people.

What are the major techniques to establish the period of an archaeological finding?

− To detect the techniques and tools for identifying archaeological site, to excavate and ultimately to put the artefacts in an orderly manner.

  • Selecting Sites and Survey.
  • Methods Used in the Process of Collection of Artifacts or in Excavation.
  • Identifying the Age of the Artifacts.
  • Methods for Ordering the Past.

Do I need a UXO survey?

Why do I need an Intrusive UXO Survey? An Intrusive UXO Survey makes sure that a project can be quickly and efficiently checked for deep buried unexploded bombs (UXO/UXB) so that development can continue safely.

Whats included in a structural survey?

A structural survey will include full descriptions of any visible defects within the property as well as any hidden problems. It will also outline any suggested repair work and offer advise on any potentially dangerous risks.

What is a survey in archaeology?

In archaeology, survey or field survey is a type of field research by which archaeologists (often landscape archaeologists) search for archaeological sites and collect information about the location, distribution and organization of past human cultures across a large area (e.g. typically in excess of one hectare, and often in excess of many km 2 ).

What is the best way to conduct archaeological survey fieldwork?

Conventionally, fieldwalking in grids or along lines called transects has formed the backbone of archaeological survey fieldwork, at least where visibility is fairly good.

How can Mobile GIS help with archaeological survey?

Databases containing existing regional archaeological data as well as other landscape GIS layers such as soils, vegetation, modern features, and development plans can be loaded on a mobile GIS for referencing, for sampling purposes, and for groundtruth updating directly in the field, resulting a more informed archaeological survey process.

What kind of sampling is used in archaeological survey fieldwork?

This involves some probability sampling of spatial units, such as random or stratified random sampling of geometrical (often square) or irregular spatial units. Conventionally, fieldwalking in grids or along lines called transects has formed the backbone of archaeological survey fieldwork, at least where visibility is fairly good.