What is a good HVLT score?

What is a good HVLT score?

From these studies, which had al matched or equated for age, gender ratio and education, it may be suggested that a HVLT total immediate recall cut-off score of around 14/15 for dementia overall, and below 18/19 for mild dementia is best used for screening.

What does HVLT mean?

The Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT-R) is one such assessment that consists of memorization of a list of words to test the ability to recall immediately after memorization (immediate recall) and after a 20-minute delay (delayed recall).

What does HVLT measure?

Easy to administer and score and well tolerated even by significantly impaired individuals, the HVLT-R has been validated within brain-disordered populations (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, amnestic disorders) as a measure of verbal learning and memory.

How do you administer HVLT?

Note: The HVLT-R is administered by reading the words aloud, then asking the individual to verbally repeat the list of words (immediately and after a delay) and to identify the words from the list from a verbal presentation (including both the target words and the distractors).

What is a memory test for seniors?

Mini-Cog – The Mini-Cog is a 3-minute test consisting of a recall test for memory and a scored clock-drawing test. It can be used effectively after brief training and results are evaluated by a health provider to determine if a full-diagnostic assessment is needed.

What is the hvlt test for verbal memory?

Some verbal memory tests such as the California Verbal Learning Test-II (CVLT-II), Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R), and Free and Cued Recall Test incorporate semantic categories (e.g., kitchen utensils, sports), which may aid in encoding and retrieval.

What is the hvlt-R?

Easy to administer and score and well tolerated even by significantly impaired individuals, the HVLT-R has been validated within brain-disordered populations (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, amnestic disorders) as a measure of verbal learning and memory.

How accurate is the hvlt test for Alzheimer’s?

The HVLT ‘Total Recall’ score had 87% sensitivity and 98% specificity for dementia using a cut-off score of 14.5. Using a ‘Memory’ score (the sum of the ‘Total Recall’ and the ‘Discrimination Index’) with a cut-off score of 24.5 gave a 91% sensitivity and 98% specificity for Alzheimer’s disease cases when compared to controls.

What is the hvlt-R/BVMT-r Sp?

Has high test-retest reliability, and construct, concurrent, and discriminant validity have been well established. The HVLT-R/BVMT-R SP provides unlimited scoring and reporting for both instruments after hand-entry of an individual’s raw scores.