What does the word grace mean in the dictionary?

What does the word grace mean in the dictionary?

Definition of grace (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. b : a virtue coming from God. c : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance.

What is definition of grace in the Bible?

grace, in Christian theology, the spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favour in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification.

What is grace Oxford dictionary?

​ [uncountable] a quality of behaviour that is polite and pleasant and deserves respect. He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.

What are the three meanings of grace?

The means of grace in Christian theology are those things (the means) through which God gives grace. Just what this grace entails is interpreted in various ways: generally speaking, some see it as God blessing humankind so as to sustain and empower the Christian life; others see it as forgiveness, life, and salvation.

What does it mean to show someone grace?

When we show grace to others, it’s about showing kindness to someone else even when they don’t deserve it. Grace is going out of our way to give your compassion, kindness and love to someone even if they might not appreciate it, or return the favour.

What is the Hebrew word for grace in the Bible?

Let’s start to unpack this by looking at the Hebrew word for “grace,” khen (חֵן). (To pronounce this word, say “hen” but clear your throat a little at the beginning.) In Hebrew, khen is anything that induces a favorable response or something we find ourselves drawn to.

What does giving yourself grace mean?

Give yourself grace is permission to forgive your mistakes, lapses in judgment, and hurtful behavior, because no one is perfect. The saying has deep roots in yoga and faith communities, and it frequently shows up online as a hashtag or inspirational quote.

How do you give yourself grace?

5 Ways to Give Yourself the Gift of Grace

  1. Don’t be perfect, be real. No one is perfect (repeat after me: no one is perfect).
  2. Mess up, but don’t let yourself feel bad.
  3. Give yourself permission to not do everything.
  4. Never feel selfish for taking “you” time.
  5. Do one thing a day you’re proud of.

How to define ‘grace’?

Grace is far more than a covering for sin. It is the implantation of Christ’s life in us. The Complete Word Study Dictionary defines “grace” this way: that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, favor, acceptance for a kindness granted or desired. It is a favor done without expectation of return; the absolutely free expression of the

What is the meaning of the word grace?

The definition of grace is poise, elegance, forgiveness, or a blessing. An example of grace is the way a beautiful, stylish woman easily walks across a room. An example of grace is the letting go of a past wrong done to you. An example of grace is the prayer said at the beginning of a meal. noun.

What is the Christian definition of Grace?

grace, in Christian theology, the spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favour in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification.

What does Grace mean in Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary: Gracie. Gracie. Is simply a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. Communication is a little slack to start with but once the ball is rolling she can talk for hours. She wears glasses for aesthetic purposes.