What are the water stages?

What are the water stages?

The water cycle consists of three major processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Evaporation is the process of a liquid’s surface changing to a gas. In the water cycle, liquid water (in the ocean, lakes, or rivers) evaporates and becomes water vapor.

What is the stage of a river definition?

“Stage” is the water level above some arbitrary point in the river and is commonly measured in feet. For example, on a normal day when no rain has fallen for a while, a river might have a stage of 2 feet.

What is stage in fluids?

In hydrology, stage refers to the water level in a river or stream with respect to a chosen reference height. Stage is important because direct measurements of river discharge are very difficult while water surface elevation measurements are comparatively easy.

What is action stage of a river?

Action Stage – the stage which, when reached by a rising stream, represents the level where the NWS or a partner/user needs to take some type of mitigation action in preparation for possible significant hydrologic activity.

What is the old stage of a river?

Old-stage rivers flow very slowly through a very broad, flat floodplain that is curved. A river in this stage mostly erodes its sides causing changes in its meanders, like the Mississippi. Meanders can eventually be cut off forming Oxbow lakes.

What is the first stage of a river?

The beginning of a river, when it flows quickly with lots of energy, is called a young river. The river here is smaller and usually has a rapid, tumbling flow that cuts a narrow channel through rocky hills or mountains.

What is a stage in river discharge?

Curve, equation or table that expresses the relation between the stage and the discharge in an open channel at a given cross-section, for a given condition of steady, rising or falling stage. Related: rating. This definition applies to: Rain, River & Storage Data.

What are the 3 stages of flood?


  • 2.1 Action Stage.
  • 2.2 Minor Flood Stage.
  • 2.3 Moderate Flood Stage.
  • 2.4 Major Flood Stage.
  • 2.5 Record Flood Stage.

What is youthful stage?

The youthful stage of the river is when water flow is the quickest. Waterfalls, potholes, V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs are features of the youthful stage, and these features are due to erosion. The flow becomes gentler during the mature stage, and the river widens.

What is middle stage of river?

The Middle Stage Middle stage is the matured stage of a river. Vertical erosion or deepening of the valley is significantly reduced. Lateral erosion is the dominant work. Due to the lateral erosion of this stage, the widening of the valley occurs.

What are the 3 stages of rivers?

Nearly all rivers have an upper, middle, and lower course.

  • Young River – the upper course.
  • Middle Aged River – the middle course.
  • Old River – the lower course.

What is post action stage?

Post Actions are just like other normal stages but that running in specific conditions. Jenkins supports 10 special action conditions which are running when these conditions meet. They are related to run status and can be defined in the post block both for the whole pipeline and per-stage.

What is the other name of initial phase?

What is another word for initial stages?

infancy start
dawn outset
cradle emergence
inception dawning
debut early stages

What is a stage in hydrology?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. In hydrology, stage refers to the water level in a river or stream with respect to a chosen reference height.

What is the definition of hydrology?

An accounting of the inflow to, outflow from, and storage in a hydrologic unit, such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake, reservoir, or irrigation project. The continuous process of water movement between the oceans, atmosphere, and land.

What is hydrograph time?

The travel time from the hydraulically furthermost point in a watershed to the outlet. Also defined as the time from the end of rainfall excess to the inflection point on the recession curve. The time from the start of rainfall excess to the peak of the hydrograph.

What is the difference between peak stage and crest discharge?

The highest value of the stage or discharge attained by a flood; thus, peak stage or peak discharge. Flood crest has nearly the same meaning, but since it connotes the top of the flood wave, it is properly used only in referring to stage—thus, crest stage, but not crest discharge.