Is nuestras singular or plural?

Is nuestras singular or plural?

Possessive Determiners

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Feminine
tu tus
su sus
nuestro nuestra nuestras

Can Nuestro be plural?

mi/tu/su/nuestro/vuestro/su with a masculine singular noun. mi/tu/su/nuestra/vuestra/su with a feminine singular noun. mis/tus/sus/nuestros/vuestros/sus with a masculine plural noun. mis/tus/sus/nuestras/vuestras/sus with a feminine plural noun.

What is Les Pronoms Possessifs?

Possessive pronouns and determiners (les déterminants et pronoms possessifs) indicate possession or belonging. They agree in gender and number with the noun that they describe (determiners) or replace (pronouns).

What are three examples of possessive determiners?

The basic pronominal possessive determiners in Modern English are my, your, his, her, its, our, their and whose (as in Whose coat is this? and the man whose car was stolen). As noted above, they indicate definiteness, like the definite article the. Archaic forms include thy and mine/thine (for my/thy before a vowel).

What is the difference between nuestros and Nuestras?

‘Nuestro’ and ‘nuestra’ are the only possessive adjectives in Spanish that aren’t genderless, hence they’re the only ones that must agree in both gender and number with the noun: ‘nuestro’ = ‘our’ (masculine), and ‘nuestra’ = ‘our’ (feminine).

What form is Nuestra?

List of Short-form Possessive Adjectives

Adjective Type Masculine Singular Form Feminine Singular Form
First person plural (nosotros) nuestro nuestra
Second person plural (vosotros) vuestro vuestra
Second person plural (ustedes) su su
Third person plural (ellos, ellas) su su

How do you use Le Tien?

le mien, le tien – les pronoms possessifs. The possessive pronoun equates to mine, yours, his, hers, etc. and replace a noun introduced by a possessive adjective (mon, ma, mes, etc.) C’est ma voiture -> C’est la mienne.

How do you use nuestras?

‘Nuestro’ and ‘nuestra’ are the only possessive adjectives in Spanish that aren’t genderless, hence they’re the only ones that must agree in both gender and number with the noun: ‘nuestro’ = ‘our’ (masculine), and ‘nuestra’ = ‘our’ (feminine). The ‘r’ in parentheses means ‘respectful’.

Is Su plural?

If the noun is singular (regardless of being male or female) then we use ‘su’, if plural then ‘sus’.

How do you use Nuestro in a sentence?

When you use nuestro(a) (which means ‘our’), its gender depends on what you possess. For example, you’d say, “Los estudiantes en nuestra escuela son inteligentes.” (The students in our school are smart) Because escuela is feminine.

Does Nuestro agree with noun?

What is the difference between Nuestro and Nuestro?

Nosotras is used when one is a woman including herself in a group of other women. Nuestra is used when one wants to denote a group—including oneself—possessing a feminine noun. his, her, your (Ud.)…How do you make a word possessive in Spanish?

mi(s) nuestro(s), nuestra(s)
tu(s) vuestro(s), vuestra(s)
su(s) su(s)

What is Nuestro a conjugation of?

Short forms of Spanish possessives

Singular Plural
his, her, your (Ud.) su sus
our nuestro nuestras
your (vosotros) vuestro vuestras

How do you use Pronom personnel?

We use personal pronouns (les pronoms personnels) to replace nouns. They refer to people and things that have already been mentioned, and reflect grammatical gender, person and number. Personal pronouns can be the subject or the object of the sentence and can take different forms depending on their role.

What are possessive determiners?

Other possessive determiners (although they may not always be classed as such though they play the same role in syntax) are the words and phrases formed by attaching the clitic -‘s (or sometimes just an apostrophe after -s) to other pronouns, to nouns and to noun phrases (sometimes called determiner phrases ).

What is a singular possessive noun?

When a singular noun shows ownership or possession of another noun, it is called a singular possessive noun. Possessive case is shown by adding an apostrophe and the letter s to the end of the possessive noun. For example, “the books owned by the boy” becomes “the boy’s books,” with “boy’s” being the singular possessive noun.

What is the difference between French and Spanish possessive determiners?

French also correlates possessive determiners to both the plurality of the possessor and possessee, as in notre voiture (our car) and nos voitures (our cars). In Modern Spanish, however, not all possessive determiners change to reflect the gender of the possessee, as is the case for mi, tu, and su, e.g. mi hijo y mi hija (“my son and my daughter”).

What is an example of possessive pronoun?

Examples in English include possessive forms of the personal pronouns, namely: my, your, his, her, its, our and their, but excluding those forms such as mine, yours, hers, ours, and theirs that are used as possessive pronouns but not as determiners.