How was the drainage system of the Indus Valley civilization?

How was the drainage system of the Indus Valley civilization?

The Indus civilization had an elaborate sanitary and drainage system, the hallmark of ancient Indus cities., The Authorities maintained a highly efficient drainage system. Each house had horizontal and vertical drains. There were underground drains for the streets. These drains were covered by stone slabs.

What were seals used for in the Indus Valley civilization?

The standard Harappan seal was square in shape with a 2X2 dimension. It is believed that the seals were used for commercial purposes. A few seals were also carried as amulets, perhaps as a kind of identity card.

What do you know about the drainage system of Indus Valley Civilization class 6?

Describe the drain-system of the Harappans. Answer: In cities related with the Harappan civilisation, each drain had a gentle slope so that water could flow through it. Very often, drains in houses were connected to those in streets and smaller drains led to bigger ones.

What were the drains made of in Indus Valley Civilization?

The most unique aspect of planning during the Indus Valley civilization was the system of underground drainage. The main sewer, 1.5 meters deep and 91 cm across, connected to many north-south and east-west sewers. It was made from bricks smoothened and joined together seamlessly.

What was the drainage system of Harappan civilization class 12?

(i) The drainage system was planned very carefully. (ii) Road and streets were laid out along an approximate grid pattern intersecting at right angles. (iii) Streets were laid out with drains and he drains were covered. (iv) The houses were built along them.

What is the importance of Harappan seals?

These seals were used for commercial purposes such as sealing the mouth of the jars by pressing the seals against soft clays, to create clay tags for the sacks that carried goods to different destinations and were also used in trading activities.

What is the purpose of using seals?

Seals are used to prevent the leakage of fluids in rotating equipment. A seal prevents lubricants, such as oil and grease, from entering the environment and (dirty) water from entering the installation.

What is drainage system in India?

Indian drainage system consists of a large number of small and big rivers. It is the outcome of the evolutionary process of the three major physiographic units and the nature and characteristics of precipitation. The Himalayan drainage system includes the Ganga, the Indus and the Brahmaputra river basins.

What is drainage system in geography?

The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as drainage and the network of such channels is known as drainage system. The drainage pattern of an area is the result of the geological time period, nature, and structure of rocks, topography, slope, etc.

What were the features of Harappan drainage system?

The drains were mostly covered and hidden underground. They were covered by a layer of baked bricked which was laid flat across the side walls of the drain. Wider drains were covered with limestone blocks. These were then covered with a layer of mud.

What are seals What are its importance?

As one of the keystone species in marine ecosystems, seals help maintain a balance in the food web. Seals consume fish, squid, and crustaceans. Seals are also important food sources for larger predators like orcas, polar bears, and sharks.

What was the purpose of the seals?

The original purpose was to authenticate a document, or to prevent interference with a package or envelope by applying a seal which had to be broken to open the container (hence the modern English verb “to seal”, which implies secure closing without an actual wax seal).

What is drainage system Short answer?

Answer: The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as drainage. The network of such channels is called a drainage system. The drainage system includes the area drained by the river and its tributaries.

What do you mean by drainage system?

A drainage system can be defined as the pattern formed by the rivers, streams and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is governed by hard or soft rocks, and the slope of the land.

What is drainage system answer?

Answer: The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as ‘drainage’ and the network of such channels is called a ‘drainage system’.

Where were the drainage systems found?

The drainage system was one of the most remarkable features of the Mature Harappan city. All the streets and lanes across neighbourhoods in Mohenjo-daro had drains.

What were the seals?

Seals were used to make a sealing, or positive imprint, like this modern resin one made from the original seal. Sealings were used in ancient times for trade. They would be made on ceramics or the clay tags used to seal the rope around bundles of goods.

What makes the Indus Valley Civilization’s drainage system unique?

Drainage system managed by the Indus Valley civilization is indeed unique. [2] The remains of the Indus Valley Civilization cities indicate remarkable organization; there were well-ordered wastewater drainage and trash collection systems, and possibly even public granaries and baths. [3]

What is the size of the Indus Valley Civilization seal?

Front and back of seal with two-horned bull and inscription, Indus Valley Civilization,…

C.E., steatite, 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 inches ( Cleveland Museum of Art) Seals often feature a single, large animal such as buffaloes, rhinoceroses, and elephants.

What can we learn from Indus Valley seals?

The seals include inscriptions in the form of pictograms that unfortunately we cannot yet read; the Indus Valley script is yet to be deciphered. Scholarship has been able to determine, however, that most seals were likely important components of trade.

What are the hallmarks of Indus Valley Civilization?

Major buildings were significant and the sanitation and drainage system is one of the hallmarks of Indus civilization which shows careful planning under close state control. [26]