How much are my rates in Mackay?

How much are my rates in Mackay?

Category 17 – Other (Not elsewhere classified)

Rate Type Description Minimum General Rate (Annual)
7.1 Shopping Complex $ 4,845.00
8.11 Other Commercial/Industrial – Mackay $ 2,442.00
8.21 Other Commercial/Industrial – Regional $ 1,534.00
8.31 Other Commercial/Industrial – Paget $ 2,896.00

What services does Mackay Regional Council offer in relation to water and its use?

We pride ourselves on being an innovative provider of water and sewerage services and supply potable water, sewerage collection and treatment, and non-potable recycled water to over 100,000 customers.

Are there water restrictions in Mackay?

Residents can only water outdoors before 10am and after 4pm on their allocated watering days. Even numbered properties on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Odd or unnumbered properties on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. No watering on Mondays.

How are rates calculated Qld?

Council calculates a rate charge by multiplying your property’s average rateable value by a dollar rate. The dollar rate used depends on your property’s rating category, which is based on its main land use. From 1 July 2021, there are 80 rating categories.

Is Mackay water hard or soft?

The water is said to be ‘hard’ because it is more difficult to make a lather or suds for washing. The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines indicate that 200mg/L of hardness (as CaCO3) is the aesthetic limit of water hardness.

Does Mackay have fluoride in water?

No, we do not have fluoride in our drinking water. In 2012, the State Government made it optional for councils to fluoridate the public water supply. After extensive consultation with the community, fluoride was officially turned off in the Mackay region on November 7, 2016.

What days can I water in Brisbane?

Residential water restrictions There are no current restrictions on sprinklers or watering times in Brisbane.

How do you work out rates?

A property’s rates are calculated by multiplying the valuation of the property by the rate in the dollar. For example, if the Capital Improved Value of a property is $250,000 and the council rate in the dollar is set at 0.0042 cents, the rate bill would be $1050 ($250,000 x 0.0042).

Is water included in rates Qld?

Is water included in rates in QLD? No, water is billed separately to rates in Brisbane and south east Queensland.

What is the largest source of water in Mackay?

Water for the Mackay reticulation network is supplied from the Pioneer River WSS at Dumbleton Rocks Weir (on the Pioneer River) and from eight local groundwater bores. Dumbleton Rocks Weir is largely supported by releases from Teemburra Dam (also on the Pioneer River).

Does Mackay water have fluoride?

Is Mackay water hard?

The water is said to be ‘hard’ because it is more difficult to make a lather or suds for washing. The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines indicate that 200mg/L of hardness (as CaCO3) is the aesthetic limit of water hardness.

What are the water restrictions in Queensland?

Now that restrictions have lifted, we’re asking people to voluntarily limit their water use to less than 150 litres per person per day.

Are sprinklers allowed in Brisbane?