How many Ctle hours do I need in NY?

How many Ctle hours do I need in NY?

100 hours
About CTLE Requirements Certificate holders must complete 100 hours of CTLE training within a five-year period.

Why do teachers need continuing professional development?

CPD supports teachers’ learning from Initial Teacher Education right through to headship, to enhance their professional competence and maximise their potential. Teachers can expect to receive advice and be encouraged to undertake approved courses of study. They can identify their own CPD needs at any time.

How do I renew my NYS teaching certificate?

You can apply for an extension online. If you need to pursue reinstatement, you will be required to pay an expiation fee and complete the necessary PD hours to bring your license back into good status. Contact the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives at 518-474-3901 for more info.

What is Ctle NYC DOE?

Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Requirement Professional certificate in the classroom teaching service. Professional certificate in the educational leadership service (i.e., School Building Leader, School District Leader, and School District Business Leader)

Is edTPA canceled in New York?

At its April 2022 meeting, the New York State Board of Regents voted to eliminate the edTPA requirement for teacher certification. The edTPA is no longer a certification requirement as of April 27, 2022.

Do NY teachers need masters degree?

New York State requires teachers to obtain a master’s degree in teaching (or a related discipline) within five years of the completion of their initial degree. Typically, teacher education programs consist of a combination of curricula and fieldwork.

Are webinar certificates valid?

Certificates are valid proof that a student has gained knowledge during a course, webinar, training, or class. If a course participant needs to prove their expertise in a specific subject, then a digital certificate can serve as one of the tools to do so.

Are webinar certificates valuable?

One hundred percent that the certificates will help teachers during promotions and ranking. Each certificate will have additional points. More certificates mean more points and it will boost the ranking score of an aspiring applicant for promotion.

What is good professional development for teachers?

Formal settings include conferences, courses, seminars, retreats and workshops. Informal opportunities for teacher professional development include independent research or investigation, peer learning initiatives or even just chatting with a colleague in the staff room.

Where can I find free online professional development courses for teachers?

20 Free Online Professional Development Resources for Teachers. 1. PBS TeacherLine. Through PBS TeacherLine, you can choose 15-, 30-, or 45-hour courses, which are generally available for continuing education 2. Coursera. 3. TeachingTolerance. 4. LearnersEdge. 5. Canvas.

Are online professional development opportunities right for You?

In-person options don’t work for everyone’s schedule, so online professional development opportunities can be especially useful. If you’re looking for a free, online way to meet your professional development goals or requirements, you have plenty of options.

Where can I find professional development for special education teachers?

For special education teachers, EdWeek offers live and recorded webinars on professional development in education. After watching a webinar, you can receive a certificate verifying one hour of professional development. Recent webinar topics include:

Where can I find professional development credits for teachers?

The National Educators Association (NEA) holds live webinars and maintains a website of archived webinars for teachers looking to fulfill their professional development credits. The organization also hosts a podcast called School Me, and while it’s not eligible for credits, it does offer tons of bite-sized “life hacks” for educators. 9.