How do you get rid of blastocystis hominis?

How do you get rid of blastocystis hominis?

Several drugs have been used against Blastocystis infection, the most common still being metronidazole (MTZ), as the first-line treatment, followed by nitazoxanide (NTZ), trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), ketoconazole, and tinidazole as secondary treatments.

What are the symptoms of Blastocystis?

Many people with Blastocystis hominis in their stools have no symptoms at all. However, in those that do report symptoms, the most common ones are diarrhoea, abdominal pain and vomiting. Other reported symptoms are anal itching, weight loss, constipation and excess gas.

How contagious is Blastocystis?

Yes, Blastocystis ‘hominis’ infection can be very contagious. Follow these guidelines to avoid spreadingBlastocystis ‘hominis’ to others: Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before handling food. Use of a fingernail brush to clean under the fingernails may help.

What is the treatment for Blastocystis hominis?

Potential medications for treating Blastocystis hominis include: 1 Antibiotics, such as metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax). 2 Combination medications, such as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra, others). 3 Anti-protozoal medications, such as paromomycin or nitazoxanide (Alinia).

How do you get Blastocystis hominis?

Blastocystis hominis. Experts suspect that blastocystis gets into the digestive system when people eat contaminated food or are exposed to the stool of a contaminated person, such as when changing a diaper in a child care setting. Rates of the organism in stool increase where there’s inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene.

What is the best drug for Blastocystis infection?

Several drugs have been used to treat Blastocystis but each one of them has produced widely variable rates of clinical cure and eradication of the parasite from the feces. Based on the studies carried out in vitro and clinical responses obtained in patients, metronidazole appears to be the most effective drug for Blastocystis infection.

What can I do to protect myself from Blastocystis?

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When you can’t use soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. When you travel, you can take steps to lower your risk of exposure to blastocystis. A general guideline is to avoid eating what you can’t boil, cook or peel. More specifically, avoid: