How do you get Pandaren Archaeology?

How do you get Pandaren Archaeology?

Archaeology on Pandaria starts out much like you’d expect. At around 525 archaeology, you’ll start seeing dig sites appear on Pandaria, 4 of them spread out over the continent. You’ll head to each one, start surveying, and get some archaeology fragments.

What can you get from Archaeology wow?


  • 1 Dwarf artifacts.
  • 2 Fossils.
  • 3 Night elf artifacts.
  • 4 Troll artifacts.
  • 5 Draenei artifacts.
  • 6 Orc artifacts.
  • 7 Vrykul artifacts.
  • 8 Nerubian artifacts.

Where are the archeology dig sites in Pandaria?

The list of Pandaren (race, not continent) digsites is as follows.

  • Krasarang Wilds. Temple of the Red Crane.
  • Kun-Lai Summit. Chow Farmstead digsite.
  • The Jade Forest. Jade Temple Grounds.
  • Towlong Steppes. Nuizao Temple digsite.
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Mistfall Village.
  • Valley of the Four Winds. South Fruited Fields digsite.

Where do I learn pandaria archaeology?

Archaeology trainers

Landmass Trainer Location
Northrend Ian Thomas Wall Howling Fjord
Dariness the Learned Dalaran
Pandaria Brann Bronzebeard Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Elynara Vale of Eternal Blossoms Kun-Lai Summit Isle of Thunder

Where are the Archaeology dig sites in Pandaria?

How is the archaeology on Pandaria?

Archaeology on Pandaria starts out much like you’d expect. At around 525 archaeology, you’ll start seeing dig sites appear on Pandaria, 4 of them spread out over the continent.

What are the rarest items to dig up on Pandaria?

Finally, there are rare items to be excavated on Pandaria. You can dig up the Spear of Xuen, an agility polearm perfect for monks or druids. You can get the Umbrella of Chi-ji, a caster offhand with an incredibly beautiful, unique look.

What can I do with restored artifacts in Pandaria?

Restored Artifacts can be used to purchase crates that contain 5-9 fragments for the non Pandaria races, as well as two other items. Occasionally an Ancient Haunt will spawn after finding artifact fragments. They rarely drop a Mogu or Pandaren keystone and always drop ~7 fragments. There are some Archaeology daily quests now!

Are there any archaeology daily quests?

There are some Archaeology daily quests now! You can find Pristine versions of artifacts and put them on display. Pristine Artifacts are rarely gained from solving a common artifact. These items give you a quest which is turned in at the Seat of Knowledge.